These three simple questions can lead us to many answers and a long discussion about current teaching methods.
Almost certainly, what part of our answers would go through “they should explore more the outdoors, because children learn best when they are in contact with nature,” “the school day should be as close as possible to real life,” ” should work together and learn from real-life situations, “” books should be more fun and written under various perspectives, “” should learn to play, because children learn best when they play and using practical materials that help them experience life ” .
That is why we are most likely to share the view that the current standard teaching method is not in line with the social evolution undergone in recent decades and that the intellectual life of children can not be achieved by merely exercising their minds as if they were mere machines from memory.
It was because we thought of all this and because we felt that children are the best and the future of the World, that we created the SKOOL – Open Learning Children’s Association, where children play but learn.
Children are people
Children love to learn
Learning requires a proper environment
Experience and expression are essential for learning
Learning happens when there is active involvement